ATRUD’s Back-to-school Package To Students in Limbe – Cameroon

Within the framework of the back-to-school support project launched at the beginning of the month of August 2021, ATRUD reached out to over 20 students and pupils in Mabeta New Layout -Limbe, South West Region, Cameroon with didactic materials like books, bags, rulers, calculators, pens etc. ATRUD’s main goal was to assist the children with school materials to enable them ease their studies because many of them willing to go back to school, had not been able to do so for some years now, due to the crises in South West and North West regions of Cameroon.
The Coordinator in Cameroon, Mr Ebot Leonel Tabot used the occasion to thank all those who assisted in one way or the other to reach out to these children, especially the ATRUD community in China who are always quick to contribute when projects are launched.

ATRUD is calling on others to rise up and reach out to the less privileged either financially or materially. The displaced people of the North West and South West regions of Cameroon are still in great need of support as the conflict persists. Many children are still unable to afford tuition and school materials. Many are still homeless and jobless. Let’s join our hands and help these children to combat some of their difficulties like reading and spelling by providing them with books and readers, means of transportation, show them love and comfort.We are happy that this first phase went well and we are willing to do more. So, we call on others to help them with other things like foodstuffs, medication in anyway they can.

Friends and sympathizers of ATRUD are reminded that ATRUD is still running an IT Training center for IDPs in Douala and is in need of materials like used computers, printers, and all other accessories to boost the center. Donations in cash are welcome.