
Conflict-fleeing IDPs in Douala cry out for help

            Over 450 Internally displaced persons commonly referred to as IDPs, hosted in one compound in the Makepe neighborhood of Douala by a traditional chief from Bali in the Northwest region of Cameroon have cried out for assistance from humanitarian persons, groups and organizations. Team ATRUD paid a visit to the camp and put together the report below:



On Sunday 19th January 2020, the Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD) carried out an investigation on the bad situation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) recently broadcasted on Equinox television wherein the IDPs from the North West and South West regions of Cameroon cried out for help from persons, groups or associations of goodwill. ATRUD decided to take it as a challenge since it is one of ATRUD’s objectives, to be able to reach out to the less privileged be they in rural communities, towns or in cities.

Who are internally displaced persons?

According to the guiding principles, internally displaced persons (IDPs) are a group of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violation of human rights or natural, man-made disasters and who have not crossed internationally recognized borders.

When the ATRUD investigation team reached out to the MAKEPE neighborhood Douala Cameroon, we met a representative who is a chief from a village in Bali, North West region who welcomed the ATRUD team and outlined some of the difficulties facing the IDPs. However, he laid emphasis on aspects such as; poor feeding conditions, health, sleeping conditions, lack of space to keep those that are coming and those that are still to come. So he pleaded with ATRUD to help solve even part of the situation especially the infants and the youths.

What brought them to Douala, why did they flee from their homes and villages to Douala, Littoral region?

What we could gather from them is that, due to the war or political instability in the two (2) English-speaking regions of Cameroon, they were pushed to flee from their regions of origin. However, it rendered most of them homeless, as their homes were burned down and they lost everything they had materially and financially.

We also asked them what problems they were facing in the city Douala, Makepe neighborhood. The women explained more on their feeding conditions, health conditions, lack of education for their kids, joblessness, bad sleeping conditions, as explained below and their proposed solutions to be able to ameliorate their living conditions.

Firstly, the feeding conditions at Makepe neighborhood by the IDPs. They insisted that they are unable to eat a square meal a day. Even some of the children below seven (7) years are unable to eat a square meal a day at times. For that reason, it resulted to hawking by the adults and kids.

On the health aspect, they cried and even said they had lost a few because of poor health conditions and lack of medication. Diseases like; malaria, measles, diarrhea, ulcers, pregnancy related conditions, and others were common among the IDPs.

Many of the IDPs who have been out of school since the conflict started 3 years ago are gradually becoming illiterates. Some are becoming pickpockets in the neighborhood because of idleness and hunger. Others have become orphans having lost their parents to the war.

Furthermore, they also stressed on the unbearable sleeping conditions of the IDPs. This is because the space provided by the local chief is small for the ever-growing population now estimated at 350 to 450 people.

Regarding solutions, they pleaded with ATRUD for temporary basic needs like foodstuffs, medications, manual and odd jobs, sustainable skills like hairdressing, tailoring, cookery, shoe mending, barbing, plumbing, decoration, making of soap and detergents and so on. They also asked for working tools, machines because the ones they had were burnt down.


They begged ATRUD to assist their kids to go to school. When the children (students and pupils) were asked if they would like to go back to school, like a choir, they chanted “YES, YES, YES!!!” and some said they

wanted to become Doctors, Lawyers, teachers, bankers, engineers, etc..

The ATRUD team concluded by giving them words of encouragement, hope, faith and love and for all of them to pray for all ATRUD members, donors, partners, and other groups so that we will reach out to their cry and needs in due time.

Starving IPDs in the Makepe-neighborhood-Douala-Cameroon

Successful ICT Training Program Launch

Monday January 20th 2020 was the first day of training for the first group of trainees enrolled in various ICT courses that have been scheduled at the head office of ATRUD. The program that was announced one month ago successfully kicked off with over 50 trainees showing up interested in the programs.

Due to limitations in logistics and resources, trainees will have to study in small groups. The most urgent needs that will keep the program running smoothly include:

– More desktop or laptop computers needed: Currently there are only 7 desktop computers available with a fast-growing number of trainees. This seriously limits the learning ability of the learners as each learner can only access a computer for a very short time. More computers (brand new or second-hand), will be needed as soon as possible. The ideal case would be to have 1 computer per trainee.

– Computer accessories needed: An important part of the training program is to get learners to understand and master the use of not only computers but common accessories too. Technology and devices that work with computers are a very important part of the training program. Hence, donors who wish to donate not only computers can also consider all other accessories that go with computers such as: USBs, Overhead projectors, HDMI cables, external discs, CD Roms, Software CDs, PC Games, etc. We all have some of these things at home that we don’t use anymore. Send them over to ATRUD and help support this program.

– Training space needed: Another limitation for the program is training space. ATRUD is currently using head office space for training which is manageable as long as the number of trainees remains small but for more effective training, there will be need for a big room of at least 200 to 300 square meters that can host bigger numbers of trainees. Arrangements are being made for classrooms in some schools to be used on a temporary basis but considering the practical nature of ICT programs, the ideal thing would be to have a permanent room for training. We are looking for a donor who can donate a big room in Douala or its environs that can be used for the program. Alternatively we will have to rent such a room and that will be a big amount of money ATRUD can’t afford at this time.

– Financial Support: The easiest and most popular donation to come through fast and impact the victims so far has been money from our donors. Unlike material things that have to be shipped and take months to get to beneficiaries, donating money is a few clicks on the computer or a few taps on the phone. Every cent counts at ATRUD and what some donors consider to be too small can actually be life-changing to victims out there.


You can support the ongoing ICT program for adults and kids in any of the above mentioned ways. We shall continue to update on the progress of the program.

ATRUD ICT Trainers
ICT Training session
ICT Trainees

ICT Program for Adults and Kids

A comprehensive ICT program has been launched by ATRUD’s Training and Empowerment department within the framework of its overall mission which is to provide sustainable skills with which underprivileged persons can change their lives for the better without relying solely on external help.

The program is conceived, designed and manned by an ICT team of trainers led by Mr. Okah Nnane Nguite under the supervision of ATRUD’s Coordinator for Cameroon Mr. E. L Tabot. After receiving approval from ATRUD’s top management in the first week of January 2020, the program is set to begin on Monday 20th January 2020 at 9AM at the head office of ATRUD located behind Bepanda Casmando, Douala.


Courses will be taught in two levels depending on the needs of the trainees from Mondays to Fridays with special classes on Saturdays. Morning sessions will be held from 9:00 to 11:00 while evening sessions will begin at 6:00 and end at 9:00. Since the program will bring together both kids and adults, groups will be formed accordingly so basic as well as advanced learners can all achieve their learning goals without problems.


Registration is currently going on and would-be trainees are requested to get in touch with ATRUD’s office in Douala for inquiries and registration formalities.


The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD) has been helping internally displaced persons, refugees and communities in need, thanks to generous donations from partner organizations, companies, individuals and groups. This ICT program is expected to be the first of many more upcoming training programs the association intends to run.

ATRUD believes that the best way to help the needy is to empower them.

ICT program flyer

Friends of ATRUD Party for a Good Cause

The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD) successfully organized a fundraiser on Sunday, December 22nd 2019 in Jiading, Shanghai. The event brought together friends of ATRUD, donors, partners, sponsors and well-wishers who all committed to support ATRUD in assisting victims of the war in Cameroon.


In his 10 minutes address to the guests, ATRUD founder, N.E Tabort presented the association, its objectives, vision, achievements so far and upcoming projects. He concluded his speech with a showcase of some refugees, mostly children, who have been forced to drop out of school because of the ongoing conflict in Cameroon. He appealed to attendees to assist the children either by donating through ATRUD or by directly contacting the children and becoming their permanent sponsors.

Other key speakers at the event were the AfCham Chairperson D. Nkwetato and Jiading elders like Prof. Ken, who all gave endorsement speeches in a show of support for ATRUD.


Entertainment was at its best thanks to guest star Blackbone, DJs, MCs Mike & Pepsy, not forgetting the delicious barbecue that accompanied the drinks throughout the night until about 3AM.

Fundraising activities included “Cutting of the ATRUD Christmas Cake”, “Lucky Draw” and “Popping of ATRUD Champagnes.” During these activities, attendees were given the opportunity to donate or pledge any amount to support the good cause. About 1million Cfa Francs was raised in cash and pledges. When all checks and balances must have been done, ATRUD will publish details about funds raised and expenses covered so far.

ATRUD promises to organize many more fundraising events in the upcoming year 2020 and partner with many other organizations with the same vision for the betterment of people in rural areas.

ATRUD Cake cutting
Party group picture

Fundraising Christmas Party Countdown

It’s exactly 14 days to D-day from today, the day this blog is published. ATRUD volunteers are working round the clock, sending out invitations, making phone calls, talking to suppliers in charge of event paraphernalia and answering questions from curious sympathizers. Decorations at the event venue have kicked off and everything is pointing to an exciting fundraising Christmas party on Sunday the 22nd of December 2019 at the LoL Snack Bar located at exit 3 of the Jiading Xincheng Subway Station of Line 11 of the Shanghai Metro.


The unique event is expected to draw a huge crowd considering the fact that it will be taking place just 3 days to Christmas day and the fact that it will be rich in entertainment and special guests. Shanghai based budding star Blackbone will be performing live at the event and a big majority of Africans based in the metropolitan city of Shanghai and neighboring cities will be attending.

LoL Snack Bar

The event venue, a modest but very popular snack bar can take at most 200 guests sitting conveniently. For that reason, the organizing team is appealing to attendees to confirm their participation in advance for better planning. With the presence of the rising star Blackbone performing live, there are fears that the venue will be too crowded but extra measures are being taken to handle the situation if the need arises. To be sure not to get into any hassles for seats, confirm your participation and arrive on time on December 22nd. The party begins at exactly 6pm.

Blackbone Singer

The event is organized within the framework of activities marking the end of year fundraising drive launched by ATRUD in the last quarter of this year in an effort to raise more funds for the assistance of more victims from the ongoing conflict in Cameroon.


“Funds raised from this event will be directed to two major projects: Financial assistance to children who have dropped out of school because of the crisis and medical assistance to the sick and the wounded from the conflict zones” ATRUD’s founder Mr. N.E Tabort has indicated. He has appealed to Africans as well as non-Africans in China to show their goodwill and generosity towards the suffering people fleeing from the conflict in Cameroon. This event, come December 22nd, will be the first major fundraising drive launched by ATRUD in China.


Individuals, groups, companies or organizations wishing to support this end-of-year fundraising drive even without attending the party can get in touch with ATRUD by scanning the QR codes on the posters above and here below.


May 2020 be a better year for ATRUD and partners. See you at the party!

Party Flyer

Sponsor a Student

Since the breakout of the armed conflict between government soldiers and separatists fighters in Cameroon, hundreds of thousands of students at all levels of education as well as teachers have been forced to drop out from school and left stranded as refugees in neighboring countries, living off the streets of towns and villages far away from their homes or simply hiding in the bushes.

Many schools have either been burnt down to ashes, transformed into military camps or simply abandoned to deteriorate. The current non-official figure stands at about 500,000 school drop outs and about 300,000 squeezing up for space in over-crowded schools in zones where the conflict has not yet reached.

The conflict which has suffered from little or no coverage from mainstream media has eluded many humanitarian organizations. Nevertheless, some few NGOs like The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD) are ramping up efforts to create awareness and raise funds for victims of the war heading into its 4th year.


The Sponsor-a-Student initiative among others, aims at giving donors the possibility to “adopt” a specific student or group of students, mentor them and support them financially temporarily or on a long term basis so that they can continue schooling where they are or find new safe places in which they can continue their education. Donors interested in this initiative can contact ATRUD for more information on how to proceed.


Here below is some basic information about the project:

Group A Group B Group C
Primary School kids Secondary School Students Higher Education Students
10-25000 cfa per school term 25-50000 cfa per school term 75-100000 cfa per school term
Fees – lodging – feeding Fees – lodging – feeding Fees – lodging – feeding
School supplies School supplies school supplies

ATRUD staff both at the head office in Douala – Cameroon and at the branch office in Shanghai – China have compiled details with specific information about cases of children in dire need that have been selected based on the gravity of their situations. Persons interested in this initiative simply have to get in touch and they will be provided details for them to choose an adoptee or adoptees they prefer. Thereafter, ATRUD follows up and coordinates the process to ensure that the money is properly used and the adoptee taken good care of.


The first donor through ATRUD to have embraced this initiative is Mr. Tanyi Victor, resident in the UK who has sponsored Miss Nayoh Emiline, a higher education student of The Angel of Mercy Higher Institute of Business Technology and Biomedical Science.

“Well, I want to thank the donor Mr. Tanyi Victor and ATRUD for helping me. This money will help me pay part of my school fees.” Said the happy recipient as she received the money from ATRUD’s manager at the ATRUD head office in Douala on November 26th 2019. Video available at the ATRUD YouTube Channel

Emiline receives school fees at the ATRUD head office in Douala in Cameroon.

Emiline receives school fees at the ATRUD head office in Douala in Cameroon.

The management of ATRUD has equally thanked Mr. Tanyi Victor as well as all other donors that have so far helped in the execution of projects that were earmarked for this year. With many upcoming projects in the pipeline, ATRUD will be organizing a fundraising Christmas event later in December during which donors will be expected to show their humanitarian nature while we look forward to an end to the deadly conflict so that children can resume proper schooling like once before.

ATRUD Launches 2019 End-of-year Activities

Kids - beneficiaries of ATRUD's 2019 school supplies packages


                          The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD), a humanitarian NGO with headquarters in Douala – Cameroon, has launched activities marking the 2019 end-of-year festive season with a visit to the Trinity Foundation orphanage in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. ATRUD’s Coordinator in Cameroon, Mr. Ebot Leonel Tabot and the team at the ATRUD head office organized the gifts-distribution ceremony at the premises of the orphanage.


About 100 participants attended the ceremony, which took place in the afternoon of Saturday November 2nd 2019. During the ceremony, 30 children were given school bags and the orphanage – The Trinity Foundation received food items such as rice, cooking oil, Maggie, canned tomatoes, salt, etc. worth over 150,000frs cfa. Other items distributed included clothing and sanitary tissues. Overall, ATRUD spent over 500,000frs cfa on the items distributed. The orphans, many of them from the conflict-hit regions of Cameroon are in dire need of school supplies as well as food and medical care. Pastor Odette Yengwaa Bongyu, coordinator at the Trinity Foundation emphasized on the need to give the children psychological support as many of them were traumatized.


                          Apart from distributing gifts, ATRUD has launched an aggressive end-of-year program. From forging partnerships with strategic partners and sponsors to recruiting skilled volunteers, the goal has been to help the needy in rural areas. In this light, ATRUD will be meeting more donors especially in China in the weeks ahead and organizing more fundraising campaigns.


                        A 40-feet container full of items from donors was shipped on November 2nd from the port city of Shanghai and is expected to arrive Cameroon in January 2020 thanks to SCECOM, the parent company that has been funding ATRUD since its creation. The Shanghai based culture exchange and communication company supports ATRUD as part of its extensive corporate social responsibility program focusing on persons in need in rural areas.


                       ATRUD’s founder Mr. Nsoesie Ernest for many years has committed time, money and human resources to improve life in poverty stricken areas. “We all have things we no longer need in our homes. People elsewhere badly need those things. We collect the things you no longer need or use and send to people who need them. I call it simple philanthropy. It doesn’t have to always involve the donation of millions of dollars.” Mr. Nsoesie said during a recent fundraising campaign in his residential community in Shanghai where he has championed community waste management initiatives.

                More activities are planned for the months ahead as the festive season opens. The goal is to encourage donors, volunteers and well-wishers to help in educating other people around them on the importance of making humanitarian gestures no matter how small they may be.

Some Press links about ATRUD end of year activities.

ATRUD Meets Stakeholders in Education

Event Poster

Event Poster

A cross section of the audience

A cross section of the audience


In line with the importance of prioritizing education, the Founder and President of ATRUD, N. E Tabort was one of the guests of honor at a panel discussion “A Global Perspective on Chinese Education Globalizing.”

The event, co-organized by four prominent Chambers of Commerce in China: The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCHAM), The African Chamber of Commerce (AfCHAM), The British Chamber of Commerce (BritCHAM) and The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC), took place in Shanghai at the conference room of AmCham on September 24th 2019.

Stakeholders in education from the four Chambers came together to shed light on global issues regarding education with emphases on how Chinese education is expanding across the globe. Representing AfCham, Chairperson D. Nkwetato Tamonkia, panelist at the discussion, brought to light, the imbalance in educational exchange between Africa and other continents of the world.

ATRUD’s vision of better education for rural areas as well as projects were introduced to strategic partners with similar goals at the event. Vocational education was one of the key points that was discussed by panelists, a sector in education that ATRUD considers to be a major priority. Potential partners appreciated ATRUD’s mission and promised to reach out to ATRUD for collaboration. In return, ATRUD’s Founder and President, promised to organize an event in the near future in which specific educational projects in rural areas will be discussed.

As a non-governmental organization, ATRUD is committed to solving some of the numerous problems plaguing education in the rural areas through fundraising campaigns, assembling and managing volunteers on the field.


Speakers at the panel discussion

Speakers at the panel discussion

Attentive Participants at the event

Attentive Participants at the event

Past Projects

ATRUD’s Active Role in Helping Refugees Camping in Ikom – Nigeria, 2018 to 2019.

Ikom in Nigeria is one of the border towns of Nigeria hosting one of the most populated camps of victims of the current armed conflict in The Cameroons. These victims, popularly referred to as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are over 30,000 of them according to official sources citing the number documented but in fact, over twice that number considering that many of the victims shy away from being officially documented for security reasons and the fact that more IDPs flock in as the war persists. These victims range from babies to be born soon to the elderly in their 80s as well as disabled persons, many of them with half treated deadly wounds from gun shots or other accidents. Most of the victims have lost at least a family member to the war and don’t know where some family members are. They come mostly from border towns like Mamfe, Kembong, Eyumojock, etc while some come from towns far in land like Buea and Bamenda.

They all left without plans. They were forced to flee their homes as fighting raged on, trekking many kilometers through the jungles and swamps to get to Ikom. Many of them left all their belongings as they left. Their hope has been to be officially taken care of by an international institution like the United Nations or at best see an end to the war so that they can go back to their hometowns.

Life has been harsh and survival has been for the fittest. Governments responsible for the conflict on the ground have at best made a few declarations accompanied by little or no action. At worst, the victims have been ignored completely. Some few NGOs have tried to salvage the situation but given up. Small groups and even individuals have made random gestures like visiting the main camp and the small camps scattered in the forest in that area.

ATRUD decided to spearhead some of these efforts to collect and provide the victims with basic brand new as well as used items like: Clothing, First Aid Kits, Sanitary Pads, etc.

Donors ranged for students to people working. The daily publications on social media of gruesome pictures of horrible living conditions in the IDP camps motivated donors to pack up whatever they thought could be useful and send. Mr. Nsoesie Ernest Tabort, founder of ATRUD, spearheaded logistics of the project, by making his warehouse available for storage during the collection time. He also supervised the shipping of the items alongside his cargo and made contacts on the ground for effective forwarding of the things to the camps.

The operation was very successful and highly appreciated by the victims. However the quantity was not enough to meet the needs of a bigger number of victims. Seeing the need for continuous efforts to help the ever growing number of victims, ATRUD launched Phase 2 of the collection of items which is still ongoing.

Trash Sorting and Recycling Training in Shanghai – China

ATRUD's founder N.E Tabort at waste management workshops
Waste management is the main talk right now in Shanghai in particular and in China in general. There has been a massive drive to educate the public on the importance of sorting trash to facilitate recycling. The initiative was launched by the government as far back as 2012 but the breakthrough has come this year 2019. Residential communities all have well regulated trash sorting spots with trained staff there to supervise the dumping of trash by residents at specific hours of the day: Open in the mornings until 9 o’clock and in the evenings until 8 o’clock these busy trash collection stations have become the new popular sites in most residential communities as groups of elderly persons as well as the young are seen dumping different packages with different categories of trash namely, dry recyclable trash, dry non-recyclable trash, toxic trash and food residue.
Getting an innovation like this one to pass in a country with over 1.3billion people is not a piece of cake. This explains why the initiative, although almost a decade old is finally seeing some success only now. “Better late than never.”
From TV shows, public posters, news media, social media and even movies the message has been one: Let’s sort and categorize the trash we produce in order to facilitate recycling and make our environment better. The founder for The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD), N. E Tabort spearheaded the waste management training and awareness drive in the Jiading locality in Shanghai where his NGO is based and went on to TV to educate the locals on the importance of waste management.
Mr. Tabort believes that he has learned a lot during this period from his Chinese counterparts and intends to replicate these methods in rural areas in Africa especially in Cameroon where most people still do not have any notions on basic waste management and recycling. He has encouraged many youths to welcome the initiative and get involved because “the better environment we are trying to create through waste management is for the benefit of everyone including the youths who are the leaders of tomorrow” he concluded.
Waste management is a good thing and we must all make efforts, however it is expensive. Humanitarian organizations like ATRUD must raise funds, support and work hand-in-hand with local governments for such efforts to achieve meaningful results and life-changing effects.

Ongoing Projects

1. School Supplies for School Children and Teachers in Rural Areas


ATRUD is collecting items school children and teachers in rural areas need such as: schoolbags, pens, pencils, rulers, colors, notebooks, water bottles, raincoats, rain boots, scooters, bicycles, chalk, whiteboards, markers, desks, laptops, desktops, tablets, etc.

To collect these items, collection points have been set up in Shanghai – China and in Douala – Cameroon. Donors who wish to ship items can get in touch with ATRUD for directives on how to ship items.

Brand new items as well as used items in good condition are all accepted.


“Look around in your houses and into your closets. You are very likely to find 1 or 2 items you no longer use or need, not because they are bad but because you probably have a new version of the same thing or your taste has changed.. Every one has such items. These same items are life-changing to children somewhere in the rural areas. We don’t have to be millionaires to donate and help these kids.” Said ATRUD’s founder, Mr. Nsoesie E. Tabort at a recent fundraising campaign in Shanghai.


This message is a reminder that everyone of us, children as well as adults, can be humanitarian in many ways. It could be your old toys, old textbooks, electronics you no longer use or your slightly damaged bags. We welcome all the items into our ATRUD containers bound for rural areas.

Don’t forget this is also a good opportunity to free up some space in your home while making a person’s life better somewhere else.


Within the framework of this educational project ATRUD’s fundraising department has also launched an online fundraising campaign so that donors and well wishers who can not donate items can simply donate any amount of money to fund the project.

Donors can donate through PayPal by clicking here meanwhile

donors in Asia using Alipay can simply scan the QR code below to donate.

Donate to ATRUD via ALIPAY

2. Training Workshops for ATRUD Volunteers and Trainers

The Association for Training and Rural development (ATRUD) is organizing a series of training workshops for volunteers willing to join the teams working in rural areas. These teams are in small groups of 3 to 5persons who travel into remote villages with ATRUD packages to help persons in need.

Although all volunteers are welcome, persons with some skills and experience in professions in the educational, medical and agricultural field are needed the most.

Volunteers engaged by ATRUD, receive training and guidance before they travel to the rural areas.

Volunteer training projects include:

a). Teaching English and other subjects to children in rural areas

b). Training family heads on First Aid actions, personal and public hygiene tips

c). Modern agricultural techniques and tools for farmers in rural areas

During the workshops ATRUD trains volunteers in how to pass on these skills to disadvantaged persons living in rural areas.


Volunteers willing to work with ATRUD must be at least 18years old and show proof of their willingness to help in the improvement of lives in rural areas. They must be prepared to spend days in far away localities, cut off from facilities available in urban areas like the internet, telephone, electricity, portable water and comfy accommodation.


All volunteers who complete a project at ATRUD are awarded a certificate of acknowledgement of their contribution in the empowerment and changing of lives and communities in the rural areas.


Persons interested in joining our training workshops in order to become volunteers at ATRUD can click here to contact us at this link.