Checkpoint, Mile 4, Limbe, Southwest Region, Cameroon. // Room 501, Building 8, No. 998, Qipan Road, Jiading, Shanghai, China.
+237 67885 8182 (Cameroon) / +1 (215) 370-6550 (USA).

Welcome to the ATRUD Foundation

Changing Lives and Empowering Communities!

Fundraising Drive For Victorious
10-year old Victorious is in dire need of help to tackle her health disabilities.

The Association for Training and Rural Development (ATRUD), within the framework of its Emergency Intervention policy, has taken up the case of Victorious, a 10-year old disabled girl living in the town of Limbe in the South West Region of Cameroon.

The Area Manager for ATRUD, Ms. Gillien Ateh personally visited the home where Victorious lives as shown in the video below. 10-year old Victorious is a twin sister. Her father is passed away and her mother is mentality unstable. From birth, she and her sister who is healthy and doing well, have been under the care of a good Samaritan who is herself struggling to make ends meet.  The little girl, although seen to be smiling in the video, can neither speak nor stand and walk. She doesn't know the four walls of a classroom and lacks the means to be properly diagnosed and taken care of in a center for children with such disabilities.

On behalf of the whole ATRUD family of well-wishers a worldwide fundraising campaign has been launched on multiple social media platforms for people of good will to chip in what they can for ATRUD to put together a team that can uplift Victorious from the current suffering. Donations of all sorts are welcome. Little girl basic necessities, money, toys, medical services, spiritual help, etc. Our goal is to see her up and enjoying what every other little girl of her age enjoys.

If you are based in Cameroon you can easily donate by making a mobile money transfer to the number 6 72 20 09 14

If you are in are not in Cameroon you can donate at our official Donate page.

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